A New American Cycling Brand
A local company out of Little Rock Arkansas makes a 21st century stance in the cycling industry–offering honest, American-designed, manufactured, and assembled road cycles–equipped with progressive style, performance, and a lifetime guarantee.
Client: Allied Cycle Works, Inc.
Sector: Performance Cycling
Discipline: Brand Identity, Product Design
Creative Direction: Dane Storrusten
Art Direction / Design: Dane Storrusten
Pursuit of an Everlasting Mark.
We searched a broad variety of devices in pursuit of a timeless brand system. An ID that can supersede trends and sit prominently on the product–from nose to downtube to performance parts.
Wordmarks to emphasize "Allied"
Monograms for classic American brands
Badges/Crests for story, symmetry and protection.
Finding the DNA
Employing a simple, yet effective tool aptly called "More this than that" helps us involve core company stakeholders and hone in on traits that are driven by passion vs. obligation. We distilled the core attributes of the brand and built upon them across every element and moment. 
The Goods
An expressive lineup of inaugural designs rooted in simplicity and subtlety–where, the beautiful lines, manufacturing prowess and performance lead the show.
New Digs in Little Rock
We searched a broad variety of devices in pursuit of a timeless brand system. An ID that can supersede trends and sit prominently on the product–from nose to downtube to performance parts.

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